


We are delighted to inform you that, following the buy-out of the companies IMOswiss AG in Switzerland and IMO GmbH in Germany in 2013, ECOCERT finalised its acquisition of IMOgroup AG on Friday 12 September 2014.

Who is IMOgroup AG? IMOgroup AG is an international certification organisation, which has majority shareholdings in the companies IMO Chile, IMO Turkey and IMO Uganda. These companies are now part of the ECOCERT Group.

IMOgroup AG also owns the certifications: Fair For Life Social and Fair Trade Standard, AquaGAP Standard for Good Aquaculture Practices and IMO Organic Standard for Operators in Non-EU countries.

What does this change for IMO and ECOCERT clients? Through this operation, ECOCERT and IMO are offering all their clients an increased environmental services offer, recognised and rigorous certifications, wider international coverage and new development opportunities.

The main objective is to deliver a quality service. The certifications issued by IMO and ECOCERT remain valid and are not compromised by this acquisition; no modification is expected with regard to the organisation of teams.

Did you know? IMO stands for “Institute for Marketecology”. IMO has been a key certification actor for organic agriculture for more than 20 years and a global expert in the fair trade and social responsibility sectors, as well as organic textiles, sustainable forestry, sustainable fishing, aquaculture and wild harvesting.

Original article: http://www.ecocert.com/en/ecocert-imo-united

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