Sustainable and Cost Effective Mycotoxin Binding
Clinoptilolite mineral is natural multifunctional toxin binder absorbing free ammonia and free heavy metals in the digestion system. Clinoptilolite is one of the most effective natural zeolite of the Heulandite type.
Zeolite’s highly porous structure provides large surface areas on which chemical reactions and cation exchanges can take place. It has a natural negative charge which gives it a high cation exchange capacity (CEC). Due to this superior capacity it can adsorb ammonium, toxins and heavy metals like Ni, Pb, Hg and Cd.
Cation Exchange Capacity is a measure of the amount of cations (positively-charged ions) that clay can catch. Since mycotoxins, toxins, heavy metals and ammonium are all positively charged; they are easily trapped by cation exchangers. Zeolite is the perfect binder with one of the highest CEC in all feed additives. Clinoptilolite in Manisa / Gördes reservoir has one of the highest CEC in clinoptilolite reservoirs in the world.
Mycotoxin Binder
Ammonia Adsorbent
Heavy Metal Remover
Anticaking & Flow Ability Agent
While other binders act as sponges absorbing vitamins, amino acids and nutrients besides mycotoxins; clinoptilolite is a selective polar binder which has a binding affinity and selectivity for only positively charged ions (cations) like toxins, ammonia or heavy metals. It has no binding affinity for antibiotics, coccidiostats, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, other nutrients and feed additives. Effective diameter of zeolite’s pores are 4 Ångstrom (0,4 nm). Antibiotics, coccidiostats, vitamins, minerals and amino acids which have diameters larger than 4 Ångstrom; can’t be trapped inside the zeolite’s cages, like they do by the other toxin binders.
Mycotoxin-Free Feeds
- Binds mycotoxins, toxins and heavy metals in the feed. Especially effective against aflatoxins.
- Keeps up the flow ability of the feed. Acts as a anticaking agent.
- Improves uniform dispersion of feed ration ingredients by reducing agglomeration during mixing.
- Improves feed durability and quality.
- Makes feed handling and storage easier.
- Removes excess moisture.
- Provides high return on investment at low cost.
- Maximizes conversion and productivity.
- Reduces mortality and mycotoxicosis costs.
- More valuable manure.
- Enables urea containing diets.
- Increases efficiency and cost effectiveness of ration assimilation.
- Easily replaceable with Sodium Bentonite or any other Rumen Buffers.
Environmentally Friendly
- 100 % natural and environmentally safe.
- Prevents groundwater contamination.
- Improves air quality.